It was great day - I stopped at the huge Uptown Art Fair and talk to some of the masses. Then to the fundraiser at the Walker. Unfortunately, it was a small turnout but the passion of our core group of organizers proved, just like the petition drive, they can see a project through.
The band Aitas came all the way from Staples (a few of them got lost in the way) and sounded great, Erin was a natural on the mic, we ate delicious food, and raised a little over $600.
On my way to the Uptown Farmer's Market I stopped at the beaches and for the next few hours engaged in conversation with many interesting people amid the sweltering heat, creamy air, and playful sounds.
Then the storms rolled in.
I first stopped at the beaches of Cedar Lake and had a variety of good conversations. The relaxed crowd seemed excited to talk up the ecological economy and the need for decentralized political power. Let's see if it bears any fruit.
Then onto the Pizza Luce Block Party where there were many hip people in their teens and early twenties sitting in the park. I did talk to one group who were kids from coal country USA, and what started out as a friendly conversation turned as toxic as a slurry pond from a Kentucky coal mine. This, even after I turned on my diplomacy. Needless to say, we don't have their vote. One sour interaction will not taint many positive ones.
Then the rains came and I was out of there.
It was a beautiful day as I grabbed the Cedar Trail and stopped at Hidden Beach; it was a great stop with radical minds looking for change. From there it was over to the Uptown Farmer's Market for a couple of hours, then the Wedge until sunset. It was a exhilarating day. I talked to about 200 people. The rap is getting better, more focused and effective. Let's hope the ideas we plant will germinate, and if we keep up the organizing the Party should grow mighty roots.
From 11-12 our campaign got mentioned on MPR.
I did a half hour on KFAI Catalyst with Lydia Howell. To hear the interview follow the link: http://www.kfai.org/archive/08/19/2010
Kelsey met me at the Uptown Farmer's Market. It was a hot day. We worked the Market for a short time then biked over to Lake Calhoun to talk to people sitting on the shore. Most were open to our rap. After Kelsey left and I continued on to the Harriet Band Shell just as the Led Zepplin cover band was ending. It was a crowd mostly set in their political ways. One grizzled old biker insisted that we had to have a new Viking stadium over everything else.
"It creates revenue. Look at the Twins Stadium: A-Rod had to pay $300,000 in Minnesota taxes."
I explained to him that I was a sports fan but, for me, the stadium was not a priority but rather a societal luxury. He still could not come to terms with the idea of restoring our habitat or housing for the homeless being more important than feeding a billionaire's bottom line.
Go to the website to donate: www.kenpentel.org
We're now at the State Fair and Danene has the booth looking great and well organized. We have a variety of t-shirts and buttons. There's a consistent flow of people who are seeing the Party for the first time. Many political seeds are being planted.
Look for the Ken Pentel for Governor booth on Nelson Street near the DNR performance stage. I'll be at the Fair everyday.
There are some recent photos from the fair attached.
Donations are needed to raise money for the booth.
Also, go to the website where you can print flyer's then go door-to-door talking to your neighbors about the campaign, post them at businesses, and bring them to gatherings.
You can contact the Media and ask them to cover the campaign, call in to talk shows or write some words to the press. This campaign is about the power of ideas.
Erin Wallace, running for Lt. Governor and Treasurer of the Ecology Democracy Party, showing off the new t-shirt design in the State Fair booth.
Kelsey Miller, Chair of the Ecology Democracy Party peering out of the State Fair Booth.