Ken and Erin

Ken and Erin

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ralph Nader Endorses the Ken Pentel for Governor 2010 Campaign, 9/6/10

Ralph Nader Endorses the Ken Pentel for Governor 2010 Campaign,

Consumer advocate and three-time candidate for President Ralph Nader, has endorsed the Ken Pentel and Erin Wallace campaign for Governor of Minnesota.

Ralph states:

"In a 2000 Business Week poll, over 70% of the people said corporations have too much control over their lives. This was before the corporate outrages, corporate militarism and Wall Street Collapse, recession and bailout of the past decade.

Ken Pentel gets this feeling by a large majority of Americans in an experienced and knowledgeable way. He is a long time Minnesotan, fighter for fairness, justice and wise and healthy use of natural resources – air, water, soil, energy.

Ken Pentel's present run for Governor is for you and your children. Watch him, listen to him, question him, invite him and see if you agree with me that on November 2 you have a real choice for a change.

As he bicycles across the entire state of Minnesota, chances are good that you'll have an opportunity to do these things in person."

Ken Pentel has been inspired by Ralph Nader for a long time:

"My first memories of Ralph were in the early 1970's on TV. Then I saw him live at the No Nukes Concert in 1980, and at a rally in Illinois in 1986. When he announced he would be on the ballot for President in1996 it compelled me to get involved in electoral politics and inspired my runs for Governor. Ralph is tenacious at reconstructing and holding people in power accountable. He is also a writer, teacher, motivator, and one of the great American and global citizen for decency, justice and healthy societies on Earth. I am humbled and honored to have his endorsement."

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